Its no secret that I, too, want to have a retired life like my parent. But i know that doesn't come easy. That involve working hard, save money and spent your money wisely. When I was a child, my parent spent a lot of time with me. We rarely go shopping (whats more going to toy shop), and mostly spent school holiday, loitering around the neighbourhood with my friends, playing games, etc . But, at least once a year, we went for vacation somewhere within the country. And sometimes it always the same resort/hotel. Apart from wearing the same kind of clothes with my siblings, I always enjoyed the vacation. My parent never went out of the country, except that one time for hajj and the other time my dad went to scotland for some bussiness trip. Not until my dad retired (as far as i remembered). See, they have been saving their whole life to have such a dream retiring life they want.
But on second thought, maybe i dont. Maybe i just want to grow old in my house, do gardening and own a fruit orchard (sounded like an old lady already -_-") and travel only as far as to my children's house. I've seen and travelled the world (maybe not enough but that'll do for now). Maybe, maybe i want the life the other way round of what my parent had.