Tuesday, June 7, 2016


I picked up Irfan from school today and told him that I found his hat at home (we've been searching for it forever). Suddenly he throws tantrum right there at the front door to the point the teacher asked me if it was alright there. It was so embarrassing. Apparently, he was upset because i dont bring the hat and he wanted it right there and then. No point of negotiating because, when a kid (or my kids) throws tantrum, even 1000 reasons wont do let alone a hug or pat on the back. I can only let them have their 'own' time for a while before comforting them.

But it was at school. And I've been fasting for 13 hours and walked about half a mile to his school. I. AM. HORRIBLY. TIRED. I totally had no energy to comfort talk or even do anything. I tried to talk to him for about 5 minutes and since all I get was a yelling of NO, I decided to just keep quite. I walked at his own pace that took us 40 DAMN MINUTES to get home.

Upon reaching home, I was totally drained. Like mentally and physically. He did not even stop crying and wailing. I went upstairs and cried my heart out. He came to the door and said 'Mummy, its alright mummy. Its alright'

Apparently, he stopped crying.

I went down to prepare his after school snacks. I told him not to do that again because it makes me sad. Not sure if he understood it. 

Well, this is one of those days. Those days you wish never come in your life.

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