Thursday, November 24, 2016


Since my birthday, where i istiqomah and dapat hidayah in my so called diet tu (tangan di dada mata ke atas), i made it through november. My breafkast now varies from english breafkast set, plain omellete and recently, the oat. Before this, i usually soak my oat overnight. It works fine but i had to have a lot of sweet berries to match my tastebud. But recently, i  went through Jamie Oliver Comfort Food Book (after lama tersimpan di rak dapur LOL), and found a classic recipe of oat that he usually had with his nan dan granddad when he was little. I give it a try and i totally love it, even without anything (berries or nuts).

It said, boil the oat with water, then let it simmer for few minutes. Then pour them in the bowl and let them cool for few seconds to a minute. So the oat will be set on the outside but wobbly/soft inside. (you got what i mean?) Then sprinkle brown sugar (sugar will slowly melt and caramelized on top of hot oat oh it is so beautiful) or pour in generous amount of golden syrup. Then right before you dig in,  pour in the cold milk in the corner . Oh My Word. When you dig in, you taste the warm oat with cold milk, and the sweetness of sugar/syrup that had gone through the oat.

And that. is my new level of breakfast. and it did not even took me so much time to prepare. i'll never look at oat ever the same again. you know - the disgust look. (i used to!)

make up

I dont have a whole wardrobe of them but i do have each or two for one feature. And i go simple, you know the normal one - moisturizer, powder, blusher, eye shadow, eyeliner and mascara. and im off. The least i do is put on a lipstick. Although i only do basic make up but i appreciate the beauty of it and pretty faces (insta and youtube much). Its so therapeutic these days watching those fast forwarding make up tutorial on instagram. (pondan punya make up tutorial pun layan je huhu).

Christmas is around the corner, and even though i dont buy anything but i love browsing the pretty chrismas gift set, the limited edition and when you went to the  store, goodness, the smells and the arranging of packing, the testing and everything is so pretty that i could sit there for hours at the beauty department, looking trying and not buying anything.

there always classic argue about make up between men and women. (just like issues on playstation and football - rolled eyes).

"Sayang, belikan ni, mascara" Then the husband made the 'face'. Then we came out with the default response "I cantik2 for you la"

Emm, i dont do make up for my husband although i always use that excuse for him to pay that for me. LOL. To be honest, it just to please my aging self. Double LOL. Because, i dont think men really care what shit we put on our face. You know why? Because many times, I came home (still in my make up, oh by the way its a smokey eye with nude lips so called the London Look by Victoria Beckham), straight away went to cooking. Its fish curry by the way. Le husband came home and asked me "Dah shower dah?". Its the code for - ya know get rid of the curry smeelllsss offf you babe.

So, i think, what the hell, at the end of the day, you wangi ke tak itu lebih penting ketika menyambut suami di muka pintu.

Ps: Maybe can ask him the perfume christmas gift set pula