Monday, February 8, 2016


Its been a while since I talked to my grandmother on the phone. When i called home, usually she was sleeping or praying in her room and because i did not want to bother her, i just chatted with my mom. Today when i called home, my mom said that my grandmother was feeling very weak that if i wanted to talk to her, i should just call her cell phone because she might not be coming out of her room.

my grandmother is probably reaching 90s. i never know her birthdate. seeing her weak and all is something that i would have never imagined. all my life that i know her, she always walking and doing house chores around. even in her 70s and 80s. i should have remind myself, that each year im getting older, so does my grandmother. and my parent.

i hope i get to see her soon. when you need time. but you know you cant have it.

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