Sunday, February 14, 2016


I'm back in my home country. So excited to be here yet so sad to leave my husband in London. He's quite busy with his work that me and the kids had to come back on our own.

Journey was challenging, but manageable. Many times, people are staring at me when I was struggling and almost look like clumsy clown to keep my backpack in the upper luggage compartment. Or when I brought my two kids and squeeze ourselves in the tiny square toilet for diaper changing. Or when I pretend to sleep while my kids going back and forth along our seats (Thank God we got 4 seats in the front row all ourselves). Or when I let my youngest child cried for a while because she's cranky and I'm too sleepy and tired to attend her. But there were also times that people was smiling when they saw my kids goofing and laughing about silly things only they knew. When Irfan sits still and watched movie while I went to the toilet. When they both fell asleep and they gave you a you've-done-well-mummy-look.

I've traveled alone with my kids many times. In a plane, bus, train and car. Its a skill that only will get better with practices. Having said that, doesn't mean that my kids are on their best behaviour all the time. You can never go well for the first nor perfect on the 100th times. But, it will get easier each time.

Ok? :)

So good luck to you.

And me :)

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