Saturday, September 7, 2024

dimmed light in the living room

i usually took bus whenever i go when i used to live in the UK. i love sitting by the window, passing by houses. in day time, passing by blocks of victorian houses, like you just stack side by side a monopoly houses. You could see the little lawn -some are well manicured lawn. some are just full of weeds and overgrown bushes. and you cant help wondering, who lives there? what kind of household in that green well painted door with christmas wreath from months ago?

when night comes, the sheer day curtain almost revealed the whole household. dinner in the living room, some are watching tv, some are just standing and talking to each others, perhaps there’s a get togather in that house.

and when you go on a double decker bus, get a seat at the top, sometimes you catch a glimpse of kids running around the hallway, kids jumping on beds, adults just peering out the window in summer night smoking. when the bus stop at the traffic light, you catch an awkward look from the people inside the house. perhaps you are not the only one wondering of other peoples lives. 

who lives there? what do they do? are they retiree? or teachers? doctors? how many kids in that house? are they kind of a busy people? what time they arrive home? is their home lovely? 

those are the questions ive been wondering and asking myself, when i passed houses with that dimmed light in the living room.

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