Thursday, January 5, 2017

potty train

i meant to talk about this a while ago. its been one month since izyan successfully potty trained- day and night! i didnt expect that she would go diaperless at night that soon but anyway good thing now she is. i find myself a bit more calmer and relax this time around compared to my first time. i set my target from the previous experience.

1. The first three days, i should expect accidents ALL through the days.

2. By day 7, there still might be an accident but he/she should aware that nature callings.

I learnt that accidents happened either if the child still dont get the awareness of the nature calling or they just simply dont like doing bussiness  other than in their diapers. If accidents happened because of the first reason, simply continue the routine by ensure taking them to the toilet every 15min- 30 min, 1-2  hour  (increase the period day by day to monitor).

If it happened because of latter, you should do some tricks to discipline them to go to the toilet (get a potty train book, get stickers, buy a fancy potty train bowl, buy a fancy or favourite character of their underpants and while waiting for the bussiness to be done, maybe sing a song, make a joke or tell a stories.. you know get creative). Its a hard work but if you are consistents, 7 days or so is just a short period, trust me.

But most importantly, a parent should be prepared mentally and physically (its a lot of work taking them to toilet, waiting, cleaning). Tried very hard not to scold them. Tell them over and over again 'pee in here'.

Some parent delay potty train because their child could not speak yet. I personally dont think that's the issue. Irfan could not speak a single word when i started to potty trained him. Izyan on the other hand could speaks a few words. Both of them potty trained at 2 years 7 months.

My only concern is that, Irfan who is now 4years 7months still wearing diaper at night. He seems not to aware the nature calling when he was sleeping. A few times, when he wasnt wearing a diaper when he was sleeping, he woke up and wet his bed. But he was very upset and cried and cranky because he had to changed into a new pants. He didnt drink and always pee before went to bed. But still he would have a wet diaper (a heavy one!) everysingle night.

I still have no solution to this. If you have any idea of how to tackle this, let me know.


  1. Hi there. Assalamualaikum. My son is 4y + too but he's no longer wearing diaper at night. The same trick I use, pee and no drink before bed, but with additional rubbing his tummy with any minyak to make him feel comfortable throughout the night. Used that trick only once and he's then diaperless. Also he must go to the toilet first in the morning before anything else. Maybe you can try?

    By the way I'm a fulltime mum too, living in NZ.

    1. Ic... Thank u! I will try rubbing some minyak ke apa sblm tidurr :)
