kids (and me too) have tendancy to reject any food that comes in green colour (why is that i dont know) without even really know what they'll be taste like. so my first rule is, try a bit. if you dont really like it, then its fine ( for not finishing it that day). no point of forcing them to eat ( when i know i had a hard time to finish my vege). but try first. if they dont complain (but have this 'not enjoying it' face'), ask them to try another.
experiment with the likes and what not and how they want it to be cook or served. like me or any adult we have our own preferences. so does the kids. some like cucumber with sandwich but some like having it alone. some like to eat green peas only if there's a mix of sweetcorn as well. no matter ridiculous of how they want it to have, try to find a way. it didnt take one day to know their favourite. probably months. just try it differently. take your time. efforts count.
how to know what they like or not. try to talk to them. org kata jgn bercakap masa makan. but in this case, you can - with manners of course (jangan la mulut penuh nasi nak juga becakap). ask question like what are you eating, what colour, how many carrot you have on your plate, how does it taste (sweet/ bitter/ yucky/ delicious/ soft), talk about shape/texture of the vege. so while you explaining or asking, they probably eating two or three carrot already (yay!). or if they hsve siblings, make a race of who can finish their vege first. dont have to include everything in one meal time. make different activity / questions for every other meal time (so u dont end up with same conversation esch time - boring!)
praise. with good words like high5 , you did a good eating, good job for finish your food/meal, yayy to empty plate. always reasoning to why you praise them so they know oh i was a good boy because i finish my meal. same goes treat after meal. say - i give this chocolate because just now you finish your vege. (btw, if you want to give a treat for kids its okay as long as you give them with meals --- not as snacking. maknanya, after meal terus bagi instead of tunggu lagi 2-3 hours utk snack time. from dental POV, this to avoid multiple attack on the teeth . anyway, a dentist told me this).
last, groceries shopping. one way to introduce them to vege. i rarely asked them to assist me cooking (like cutting vege, clean it etc -- you cn do this too), because i like to do cooking all myself lebih cepat lol. so how i want to make them involve in preparing what they eat is i took them for groceries shopping. first, i asked them to make list. of course their list would include none of the vege. so teach and introduce some basic vege on the list. then when shopping ask them to find. you can talk with your children over meal of how they help you buy all the ingredients.
let eat vege!!!!